Tel 00902124725600 info@akayasurvey.com
AKAYA was appointed as CORRESPONDENTS of
The Standard PandI Club at Baku, Azerbaijan.
[The Standard Steamship Owners' Protection and Indemnity Association (Bermuda) Limited]
Charles Taylor & Co. Limited, London / England
AKAYA was appointed as CORRESPONDENTS of www.britishsteamship.com
AKAYA was appointed as CORRESPONDENTS of www.carinapandi.com
AKAYA was appointed as SURVEYORS of RaetsAsia P&I Services Pte Ltd., Singapore
(MS Amlin Marine N.V.) www.msamlin.com
AKAYA was appointed as member of
TMN Survey Group Association
Webster House
207 Longlands Road
Sidcup, Kent DA15 7JH
United Kingdom
www.tmn-surveys.com (partner network)
AKAYA was appointed as authorised survey agents for
W.E.COX Claims Group & CEEMIS (UK & HK)
Cox House 47 The Terrace Gravesend Kent, DA12 England
AKAYA was included in the worldwide surveyors panel of the
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
Export Operations Division, Kansas City Commodity Office U.S. Department of Agriculture
Farm Service Agency, Financial Management Division, Stop 0581
1400 Independence Avenue S. W., Washington, D. C. 20250—0581, USA www.fsa/usda.gov
AKAYA was also included in the surveyors panel of the
ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency,
U.S. Department of Agriculture) in Azerbaijan
AKAYA was also preferred by almost all major Azerbaijani & Turkish Underwriters for their miscellaneous Surveys in Azerbaijan as well as former Soviet Union regions (C.I.S.) plus rest of the earth during the period since 2000.
AKAYA has also close business relationship with many reputable independent surveyors all around the world in it’s capacity as loss adjusters acting on behalf of the principal Underwriters as listed above.
AKAYA also thanks to other valuable clients & business partners around the world, who will be included in next updating.